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Eleven members gather to supervise work on
Russ Ashley's ’40 Ford

By Marlo Edman

Ashley FordSeptember 6 brought a good tech meeting turnout at the home of Russ Ashley. By ten on a beautiful autumn day there were 11 folks out to help or supervise some electrical issues on Russ’ 1940 Ford two-door sedan. Tim Winchell of course was there to assess the bucket list. Progress was made and there will be a return engagement in the near future.

There was a bit of excitement however that may provide a general safety tip: while testing some of the connections one of them activated the solenoid and the car’s starter began moving the car in reverse toward the interior garage wall. Russ managed to get it out of gear but wrenched his shoulder in doing so. So a word to the wise will encourage us to be sure our vehicle is in neutral with the parking brake set and for good measure to have the wheels chocked when work is going on.

On a lighter note it was a real treat for those in attendance to greet our old friend Jimmy Fox both in the garage and out on the Ashley’s comfortable front porch sitting area. The donuts and the conversations were great. One topic of interest was a discussion on the hazzards of gasoline mixed with ethanol. We will hear more about this in the future.

Let’s hear it for CPPC”s Tech Meetings, and let’s hear from you if you have a need for some help on a project or a topic you are interested in.
